A New Way to Do Dentures
Are you struggling with uncomfortable, ill-fitting dentures? Living without proper tooth function and a complete smile can make it nearly impossible to eat a healthy diet or enjoy your daily routine. Since your natural teeth play roles bigger than smiling, having missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures can create oral health issues such as jawbone deterioration and pain and discomfort. Without a tooth root or dental implant secured into the jawbone, the bone begins to shrink and grow thin. This causes premature aging and sunken facial features.

Conventional Dentures vs. Implant Supported Dentures
Our team at Envision a Smile Dentistry is here to help you regain a healthy and confident life with implant-supported dentures in St. Charles, IL. Unlike traditional dentures that rely on messy adhesives, implant-supported dentures are secured in the jawbone with dental implants, making for a permanent smile solution. Dr. Rick Brar and his dental team have combined years of surgical experience and training with the latest dental technologies to create customizable smile restoration options such as implants for dentures. Our team has what it takes to restore your smile and quality of life with a secure alternative to conventional dentures.

Traditional Dentures
- Removable
- Last 5+ years
- Eventually requires adhesives
- Allow bone recession
- Limit food choices

Implant Supported Dentures
- Removable or fixed
- Last 10+ years
- Secured by 2+ implants
- Limit bone recession
- Expand food choices

Implant-Supported Dentures with Dr. Brar
Your implant-supported denture treatment will begin with a personalized consultation with Dr. Brar in our St. Charles, IL office. During your consultation, you’ll thoroughly discuss your current limitations and receive information on your options for overdenture implants. Patients typically qualify for implant-supported dentures, but if not, they can typically receive one or more treatments such as bone grafting to become a candidate. We’ll then take x-rays and impressions of your mouth and create a customized surgical guide of implants for denture. At your next appointment, you’ll receive your dental implant placement.
Using a minimally invasive and predictable approach, such as our All-On-Four® to Six protocol, your dental implants will be strategically placed at a 45-degree angle in areas with the most bone density and volume along your jawbone. Our implants for denture options are built to adhere to our patient’s lifestyle and can be fixed or removable depending on which our patient prefers. Once placed, we will attach a temporary set of teeth so you can enjoy your new smile immediately! Healing typically requires three to six months to ensure your implants integrate with your jawbone. Once healed, Dr. Brar will place your final restoration for your implant denture so you can enjoy your permanent smile for decades to come!

Benefiting From a Stable Smile
An overdenture implant combines the strength of dental implants with the esthetics and convenience of modern removable dentures. Two or more implants for denture will ensure our patients will have enough strength needed to support a strong bite, smiles without worry, and easy conversations. The fear of dentures becoming loose and falling out will be a thing of the past! Implant-supported dentures stimulate healthy jawbone growth, restores 99% of biting and chewing power, and supplies our patients with an option to have their new teeth fixed or removable. With implant-supported dentures, you can restore the smile you always loved, permanently.

We Make Implant-Supported Dentures Affordable
Compared to traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures require a higher investment upfront due to surgical requirements. However, the numerous advantages and long-term durability make your dental investment worthwhile. Implant-supported dentures are known to last 20 years or more with proper care. They will improve your diet, self-confidence, and overall health and well-being. At Envision a Smile Dentistry, we’re proud to make financing your dental needs simple and affordable. We partner with multiple insurance companies and third-party financing companies to help make this lasting dental investment as affordable as possible.
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